Yanda Nobu Denu

Yanda Nobu Denu – Gwado Village, Salamaua, Morobe

A special touch of Paradise

Yanda Nobu Denu was born and raised in Gwado village, south coast of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. Seeing lot of tourist and visitors frequenting her village to the waterfall, this motivated the people to go into tourism.

Yanda is coordinating with the people and organising tours to the village. With a locals perspective of the language, customs and traditions of Papua New Guinea, our desire is to showcase our indigenous arts, traditions, cultures and lifestyle activities.

Papua New Guinea is abundant with tourist opportunities and Gwado is an indigenous cultural village and picturesque activity. Trip to the village and waterfall takes 40 minutes from LAE to Busamang beach and 20 minutes trekking to the waterfall.

Our tours include the waterfall, sightseeing animal and bird life, bush walking expeditions, traditional village food and lifestyle experiences, traditional dances and attire, kundu drums, arts and crafts, bilums, spears, storytelling etc.